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Friday, September 23, 2011

Petsmart Howl-O-Ween Celebration


Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 22, and come by Petsmart in Carson City to join us for their Howl-O-Ween Celebration.  This will be Projections' fourth year to volunteer our services to photograph Petsmart customers and their owners.  The event is always a lot of fun, featuring not only the framed photos, but also a costume contest, pet parade, and lots of goodies for pets and people alike.  And it is for a great cause, since all proceeds go to a local charity.  Gizmo will also on hand to give out coupons from Projections Photography for a free 5X7 with your next purchase.  This year, our most exotic pet will be featured on our blog and in upcoming advertising, so bring them all!  Make plans to stop by.  We look forward to seeing you.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Upcoming Event - Draft Horse Classic

25th Anniversary
Draft Horse Classic
and Harvest Fair
September 22- 25, 2011
Nevada County Fairgrounds
Grass Valley, California
(530) 273-6217

Draft Horse Performance Times:
Thursday, September 22
Friday, September 23
Saturday, September 24 10:00 am
Saturday, September 24
Sunday, September 25
Sunday, September 25



Shooting Challenge - September 18, 2011 - Flight

Title:  Up and Away
Date Taken:  September 15, 2011
Location: Reno, Nevada
F-Stop:  f/10
Exposure Time:  1/500 sec.
ISO:  250
Focal Length:  300 mm
Photographer:  Kitty Carlisle
While considering a topic for this week's Shooting Challenge, a tragic accident at this year's Reno Air Race  weighs heavily on the minds of not only myself, but so many people in my life.  While at the Virginia City 100 this weekend, I ran into someone I knew personally that had been at the air races when the crash occurred, and he shared a great notion with me, stating that the best thing he could do as a pilot was to get back up and fly immediately.  I agree whole-heartedly and intend to do just that this week.  I also felt compelled to honor the thousands of people in our community impacted by this tragedy by selecting "Flight" as this week's Shooting Challenge.  I usually attend the Air Races, but this year new commitments found me in a different location.  I went back through my files, and fortunately was able to locate several images of pilot Jimmy Leeward who lost his life this week, and his P-51 Mustang, "Galloping Ghost."  Out of respect, I elected not to use any of those images, but instead selected another Warbird from the same Unlimited Class.

Taking photographs at aviation events can be a challenge, but the rewards are well worth the effort.  Aside from the usual challenges of shooting public events, such as unwanted traffic in your frame, lack of control for staging, and sometimes limited access, tracking of fast moving objects, harsh lighting, difficult backgrounds, and the need for stopping action are also factors.  Be sure to get some great shots of planes in the air, but don't overlook other great opportunities, including roll-byes on the tarmac, close-ups of paint schemes, details of the airplanes, and candids of pilots and crew.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

HDH Trail Trial Photos Are Now Available

Trish & Austin Clark

I spent my weekend in Silver Springs, Nevada, attending High Desert Horsemen's Trail Trial at Scout Camp. The turnout was slightly higher this year, with 57 riders participating.  Thanks to Linda Mulkey for keeping me in the loop, and to Vincent and all the great members at HDH for including me in the event.  I wouldn't have been able to pull it off this weekend without the help of Steven Thompson of NEDA.  Thanks to Trish Clark for keeping our name out there and to Marsha Arthur and Annie for offering us their generator!  We took photos at the bucket lift this time, and we got some great shots.  It was nice to see some folks I haven't seen in a while.  It was a fun event and a very nice weekend.  Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Photos are now available for on-line viewing at our gallery:

Call or e-mail Kitty directly with image numbers for reprints, enlargements, and specialty items, and mention this blog to receive Special Discount Pricing. or 775-315-3994

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gold Rush Days Photos Are Now Available for Viewing

Thanks to a good friend, I was able to attend the Gold Rush Days in Old Town Sacramento for the first time this year.  The twelfth annual event was held over Labor Day Weekend, and it was like stepping back in history to the 1850's, when everyone had "the fever."  Special events included historical reenactments, gun fights, train and pony rides, shows for the children, jugglers, river cruises, and artisan demonstrations.  My personal favorites, of course, were the wagon & stagecoach rides, driven by many of our friends from Wagon Train Adventures past.  Still on a sugar buzz from all the ice cream and taffy.  I capped the trip off with a dinner for the Highway 50 Wagon Train Survivors, where it was nice to reminisce about our journey, and spin tales about being trapped in the High Sierras, with "no shelter, and little food."  Shhhh, don't mention we were in Strawberry Lodge.  It was yet another wonderful time with friends. Of course, there were great photo opportunities.  If you are interested in seeing any of the pictures, please visit my gallery at:

To order prints or specialty items, call or e-mail Kitty directly with your image numbers, mention this blog, and receive Special Event Discount Prices.
