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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

NEDA - Lake Lahontan Ride

Projections Photography was proud to co-sponsor NEDA's most recent ride on Saturday, April 9.  Thirty four riders and drivers enjoyed the beautiful weather and participated in a ride that touched the shores of Lake Lahontan.  Ray Sofer from Fox's iteam11 was on hand filming and got some great footage.  It was a wonderful opportunity for endurance riders to get in some early season conditioning, and for friends and volunteers to get together for good food and fantastic company.  Projections got some great photos of everyone on the beach.  To check out some of the action, stop by our gallery at  Thanks to president Steven Thompson, ride manager Gina Hall, and all the nice folks at NEDA for your continued support.  For more information on this exciting group, contact Steven at

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